atrinelectronic@gmail.com تهران پاساژ امجد طبقه1 واحد 16

TB67S109 درایور استپ موتور - پرینتر سه بعدی اورجینال چیپ اصلی

درایور استپ موتور 50 ولت 4 آمپر با قابلیت تنظیم حرکت موتور به صورت فول استپ،نیم پله و 1/4-1/8-1/16-1/32 پله Full, Half, Quarter, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 step resolution / BiCD Clock-input 2-phase bipolar stepping motor driver / PWM current control / High output current / Low R-onStepping motor driver modules
5.0 %
483,000 تومان 458,800 تومان
7.7 %
469,200 تومان 445,700 تومان
10.4 %
455,400 تومان 432,600 تومان
13.1 %
441,600 تومان 419,500 تومان

نقد و بررسی اجمالی

درایور استپ موتور 50 ولت 4 آمپر با قابلیت تنظیم حرکت موتور به صورت فول استپ،نیم پله و 1/4-1/8-1/16-1/32 پله Full, Half, Quarter, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 step resolution / BiCD Clock-input 2-phase bipolar stepping motor driver / PWM current control / High output current / Low R-onStepping motor driver modules


 دریافت دیتا شیت

S109 driver is based on the Toshiba TB67S109 stepper motor driver chip design. It employs four layers of thick copper precipitation PCB with automatic patch processing. This driver uses indexer (DIR / STEP) control interface. Its maximum driver current can reach 4A. It can drive the 57 stepper motor, compatible with the Pololu pin definition

Main features
1. use four layers of thick copper deposited gold PCB
2. allow full step, half step, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 step
3. maximum input voltage: 50V; maximum output current: 4A (at good heat dissipation condition)
4. equipped with large heatsink for better cooling effect
5. high efficiency motor current control (as to advanced dynamic hybrid attenuation ADMD, ADMD Technology, its input current can be tracked more closely than the traditional mixed attenuation mode, so it can realize high-speed motor control under high speed conditions.)
6. chip built-in error detection circuit: thermal shutdown (TSD), over current shutdown (ISD), and power on reset POR



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