atrinelectronic@gmail.com تهران پاساژ امجد طبقه1 واحد 16

CP1L-M40DR-A اریجینال

سی پی یو - شبکه 16 خروجی رله ای Omron CP1L PLC CPU, USB Networking Computer Interface, 10000 Steps Program Capacity, 24 (DC) Inputs, 16 (Relay) Outputs
توجه: حداقل تعداد خرید این محصول 1 عدد می باشد.

نقد و بررسی اجمالی

سی پی یو - شبکه 16 خروجی رله ای Omron CP1L PLC CPU, USB Networking Computer Interface, 10000 Steps Program Capacity, 24 (DC) Inputs, 16 (Relay) Outputs


 دریافت دیتا شیت

سی پی یو - شبکه  16 خروجی رله ای
Omron CP1L PLC CPU, USB Networking Computer Interface, 10000 Steps Program Capacity, 24 (DC) Inputs, 16 (Relay) Outputs

Product Details


Compatible with all other devices in the Omron PLC line-up
Uses identical software as other Omron controllers
4 high-speed encoder inputs and 2 high-speed pulse outputs
AC or DC supply
Instruction set compatible with CP1H-, CJ1- and CS1 series PLC's
CP1L-EM / CP1L-EL has a standard-feature Ethernet port
CP1L-M / CP1L-L has a standard-feature peripheral USB port
Optional RS232C and RS-422A/485 serial ports
Scaleable with a wide range of I/O units (maximum up to 160 I/O points)
Motion functionality


Omron CPM1, CPM1A, CPM2A, CPM2C Expansion Modules may be used with the CP1L CPU range.


UC1, N, L, CE

Omron CP1L CPU's, Expansion Modules and Accessories

Omron's CP1L series offers the compactness of a micro-PLC with the capability of a modular PLC. The range is not only compact, it is scaleable too, and has a faster processing speed than other controllers.

For Use With SYSMAC CP1L Series
Number of I/O 40
Manufacturer Series CP1L
Number of Inputs 24 (DC)
Input Type DC
Voltage Category 85 → 264 V ac
Output Type Relay
Number of Outputs 16 (Relay)
Network Type USB
Communication Port Type USB 1.1
Program Capacity 10000 Steps
Programming Interface Computer
Programming Language Used Ladder Logic
Battery Backup Yes
Maximum Baud Rate 10/100 Mbit/s
Mounting Type DIN Rail
Total Memory Available 10000 (Program Memory) Steps, 32000 (Data Memory) Words
Maximum Operating Temperature +55°C
Output Current 2 A
Dimensions 150 x 110 x 85 mm
Minimum Operating Temperature 0°C
Depth 85mm
Length 150mm
Number of Communication Ports 1
Width 110mm
Scan Time 0.55 (Basic Instructions) μs, 4.1 (Special Instructions) μs
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