atrinelectronic@gmail.com تهران پاساژ امجد طبقه1 واحد 16

TL072C SMD اریجینال-کیفیت بالا

ای سی اپ امپ تقویت کننده ،ورودی فت ،ولتاژ کاری 18± ولت J–FET input dual operational amplifiers
11,500 تومان
3.5 %
11,100 تومان
7.0 %
10,700 تومان
توجه: حداقل تعداد خرید این محصول 1 عدد می باشد.

نقد و بررسی اجمالی

ای سی اپ امپ تقویت کننده ،ورودی فت ،ولتاژ کاری 18± ولت J–FET input dual operational amplifiers


 دریافت دیتا شیت

These low noise JFET input operational amplifiers combine two
state–of–the–art analog technologies on a single monolithic integrated
circuit. Each internally compensated operational amplifier has well matched
high voltage JFET input device for low input offset voltage. The BIFET
technology provides wide bandwidths and fast slew rates with low input bias
currents, input offset currents, and supply currents. Moreover, the devices
exhibit low noise and low harmonic distortion, making them ideal for use in
high fidelity audio amplifier applications.
These devices are available in single, dual and quad operational
amplifiers which are pin–compatible with the industry standard MC1741,
MC1458, and the MC3403/LM324 bipolar products.
Low Input Noise Voltage: 18 nV/ Hz  Typ
Low Harmonic Distortion: 0.01% Typ
Low Input Bias and Offset Currents
High Input Impedance: 1012 Typ
High Slew Rate: 13 V/µs Typ
Wide Gain Bandwidth: 4.0 MHz Typ
Low Supply Current: 1.4 mA per Amp
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