میکروکنترلر 8 بیتی میکروچیپ با فلش 28 کیلو بایت و رم 1 کیلو بایت و فرکانس کاری 32 مگاهرتز 64-Pin Flash-Based, 8-Bit CMOS Microcontrollers with LCD Driver with nanoWatt XLP Technology
دریافت کتابخانه( ALITUM DESIGNER )
:High-Performance RISC CPU
Only 49 Instructions to Learn:
All single-cycle instructions except branches
: Operating Speed
DC – 32 MHz oscillator/clock input
DC – 125 ns instruction cycle
Up to 16K x 14 Words of Flash Program Memory
( Up to 1024 Bytes of Data Memory (RAM
Interrupt Capability with Automatic Context Saving
16-Level Deep Hardware Stack
Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes
Processor Read Access to Program Memory
:Special Microcontroller Features
: Precision Internal Oscillator
Factory calibrated to ±1%, typical
Software selectable frequency range from 32 MHz to 31 kHz
Power-Saving Sleep mode
:( Power-on Reset (POR
( Power-up Timer (PWRT) and Oscillator Start-up Timer (OST
:( Brown-out Reset (BOR
Selectable between two trip points
Disable in Sleep option
Multiplexed Master Clear with Pull-up/Input Pin
Programmable Code Protection
:High Endurance Flash/EEPROM cell
100,000 write Flash endurance
1,000,000 write EEPROM endurance
Flash/Data EEPROM retention: > 40 years
: Wide Operating Voltage Range
( 1.8V-5.5V (PIC16F1946/47
( 1.8V-3.6V (PIC16LF1946/47
:PIC16LF1946/47 Low-Power Features
: Standby Current
60 nA @ 1.8V, typical
:Operating Current
7.0 A @ 32 kHz, 1.8V, typical-
75 A @ 1 MHz, 1.8V, typical-
:Timer1 Oscillator Current
600 nA @ 32 kHz, 1.8V, typical
: Low-Power Watchdog Timer Current
500 nA @ 1.8V, typical (PIC16LF1946/47)
:Peripheral Features
Up to 54 I/O Pins and 1 Input-only pin
High-current source/sink for direct LED drive
Individually programmable Interrupt-on-pin
change pins
Individually programmable weak pull-ups
: Integrated LCD Controller
Up to 184 segments
Variable clock input
Contrast control
Internal voltage reference selections
:( Capacitive Sensing Module (mTouchTM
Up to 16 selectable channels
:A/D Converter
10-bit resolution and up to 14 channels
Selectable 1.024/2.048/4.096V voltage reference
Timer0: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with 8-Bit
Programmable Prescaler
: Enhanced Timer1
Dedicated low-power 32 kHz oscillator driver
16-bit timer/counter with prescaler
External Gate Input mode with toggle and single shot modes
Interrupt-on-gate completion
Timer2, 4, 6: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with 8-Bit Period
Register, Prescaler and Postscaler
:(Two Capture, Compare, PWM Modules (CCP
16-bit Capture, max. resolution 125 ns
16-bit Compare, max. resolution 125 ns
10-bit PWM, max. frequency 31.25 kHz
:( Three Enhanced Capture, Compare, PWM Modules (ECCP
3 PWM time-base options
Auto-shutdown and auto-restart
PWM steering
Programmable Dead-band Delay
ای سی تقویت کننده صوت ،آمپلی فایر صدا 2 کاناله 1 وات و ولتاژ کاری 3 تا 18 ولت دارای اتصال کوتاه امکانات دیگر 2 x 1 W portable/mains-fed stereo power amplifier
آی سی پردازنده سیگنال دیجیتال DSP میکروچیپ با فلش 48 کیلو بایت و رم 2 کیلو بایت و فرکانس کاری 30 مگاهرتز dsPIC30F4011/4012 Enhanced Flash 16-Bit Digital Signal Controller
مقاومت5 % کربنی 3 وات کیفیت بالا و صنعتی
میکروکنترلر 8 بیتی20 مگاهرتز حافظه 16 کیلو بایت پکیج QFN-20 8bit Microcontrollers - MCU 20MHZ QFN 85C GRN